Monday, August 21, 2006

As we start the new school year I'm really looking forward to creating a student blog. I think the students will enjoy responding to a question in Spanish for the opportunity to earn some extra credit.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The World is Flat

As I was reading The World is Flat I was searching for ideas that would impact my growth on a personal level and as an educator. There were several ideas that I think are important to keep in mind as we prepare students for the 21st century. In preparing students for jobs in the future, Friedman indicates that people need to be good at managing or interacting with other people. He says that people skills will be more valuable than computer skills. Friedman indicates that because of all the new jobs that will require a personal touch, there will be a revival in human interactive skills which have atrophied because of the Internet. He also says that education has to include character building. I agree with him and as we teach and practice constructivist methods I really want to keep in mind that my students still need training and practice in interactive skills. Most of them are already great at using technology but are lacking in some of the skills they need to successfully interface with other people.
Another idea which was important to me is having a high ethic of education. When students in India (and other countries) have intensive 7 days a week classes, have internalized the values of hard work and tenacity and have a passion for learning, how do we keep up? In addition, when I read that India is becoming the country with the most English speakers in the world, it makes me realize, yet again, how undervalued the study of languages is in the United States. I want to continue to emphasize rigor, passion and a love for learning (especially languages!!!).

Monday, August 07, 2006

First Post

First post